#1 Where are Japanese hot springs?

Hikasa's Official Site

#1 Where are Japanese hot springs?



Thank you coming this page!
I am Hikasa. (Hot spring sommelier & Balneo therapist)


How many hot springs in Japan do you know?
I heard that many foreginers come to Japan to got to hot springs.
I am glad to hear that.


Today,I will show you about the place of hot springs in Japan.



Chapter1: Please check Japanese prefectures!

Japan has 47 prefectures.
Can you answer them?


I think you may know Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hokkaido.
Please check the place of them with map.



無料フリーイラスト素材集【Frame illust】 has copyright of this map.
If you want to use it, please check this URL.


I think you want to know the mean of colors.

Purple Hokkaido Area
Blue Touhoku Area
Green Kanto Area (including the capital city)
Yellow-Green Chubu Area
Yellow Kinki Area (KANSAI)
Orange Chugoku Area
Pink SHikoku Area
Red Kyushu / Okinawa Area

Can you understand Japanese prefectures?
If you want to travel in Japan, you should know them!




Chapter2: Top 3 of hot spring in Japan! 

In Japan, many Japanese know Japanese three great hot springs.
These are "Kusatsu (Gunma Pref.), Arima (Hyogo Pref.), and Gero (Gifu Pref.).”










Chapter3: Famous hot springs in Japan!!









Thank you for reading this article!


Date: 2022/7/21